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About Me & My Experience

Hi! My name is Emily Attai and I am in my third year of Materials and iBiomed (and maybe also a minor in philosophy!). 


I’ve been part of the McMaster Engineering Society since the end of my first year. I was previously the AVP of Events and currently the VP Academic. Throughout my time on the MES, I’ve made it a goal to make improvements wherever I could. During my time as AVP of Events, I worked on establishing industry connections (ie, Isaac for Mystery Pub) for events, worked on interfaculty relations, and optimized the pub night planning process. 


As VP Academic, I supported some of the directors and appointed positions with running Back2School events and worked with them to improve various aspects of the week. I also worked with faculty, the student success centre and Tutor Ocean to improve the faculty’s tutoring platform. I worked on improving the internal functionalities and removed the cap on tutor rates to overall recruit more tutors onto the platform. I’ve also spent a lot of my time in this role advocating on behalf of the student body on the direct-entry admissions policy faculty proposal. 


In my time in these roles, I gained insight into primarily these two portfolios but also the other portfolios that constitute the MES. This has given me a holistic view of the main issues that affect the overall functioning of the MES that I want to address during my time as President.


Other than my involvement with the MES, I am also currently the VP Finance of the IDEA conference and part of McMaster Engineers with Disabilities. Previously, I’ve been part of the Culture committee as the VP Flush (2022-2023) and on the McMaster Engineering Musical’s writing crew (2022-2023). . 


In my free time, I like to bake and paint! :) 

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